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Russia showcases Resurs-PM imager

Article by Anatoly Zak, Editor: Alain Chabot

In 2024, Roskosmos reconfirmed its commitment to launching a next-generation flagship Earth-watching satellite called Resurs-PM. The long-delayed 6.5-ton spacecraft would be the largest in the growing class of Russian satellites designed to provide high-resolution dual-use imagery of the Earth's surface.



New page (No. 397): The LKT lunar lander revealed

New page (No. 396): Russian scientists seek smaller, cheaper projects

New page (No. 395): Luch-5VM to replenish Russian data-relay constellation

Update: 300 satellites for "Russian Starlink" are promised by 2027

Update: Russian space budget projection for 2027

New page (No. 394): L3M project takes new meaning in 1970

New page (No. 393): Soyuz MS-14 likely performed an emergency return to Earth

New page (No. 392): Orel to fly a difficult route

New page (No. 391): Russia plans Berkut Earth-watching constellation

Update: Russian Starlink might be postponed

New page (No. 390): Roskosmos plans infrastructure in Vostochny for converted ICBM

New page (No. 389): Roskosmos plans new core module for post-ISS space station

New page (No. 388): The USSR tests Soyuz for joint mission with the US

New page (No. 387): Roskosmos plans new space tug for ROS project

New page (No. 386): The USSR launches Soyuz 7K-S variant

New page (No. 385): Russia's new military communications network inches toward launch

New page (No. 384): Roskosmos goes ahead with upgrades to the NEM module

New page (No. 383): Soyuz-MS gets backup avionics after an incident

New page (No. 382): Russia gives up on a mobile satellite communications project

New page (No. 381): Start-1M launcher gets another chance

New page (No. 380): Orel crew ship interior detailed

Updates: Roskosmos signs ROS schedule; PTK in 2024; KO entrance hatch; PTK general design

New page (No. 379): Big space vision of 1967

New page (No. 378): Soviet Grand Tour dream

New page (No. 377): Ekspress-RV to provide polar connections

New page (No. 376): Russia's lost chance at the Moon

New page (No. 375): Ekspress-AMU4's challenge

New page (No. 374): Soyuz tests new navigation instruments

New page (No. 373): How future crew vehicle will be prepared in Vostochny

New page (No. 372): The USSR tests crew transport for military space station

New page (No. 371): The last Moon rocket misses its chance to fly

New page (No. 370): Soviet engineers re-kindle juiced-up lunar project

New page (No. 369): New engine for the veteran space tug stalls

New page (No. 368): Soyuz MS-12 experiences TV transmission issue

New page (No. 367): Russian gas giant jumps on the D2D bandwagon

New page (No. 366): Origin of the L3M project

New page (No. 365): What's next for Angara?

Update: Angara lifts off from Vostochny for the first time

New page (No. 364): First rehearsal of a joint mission with Apollo

New page (No. 363): Angara's oxidizer infrastructure

New page (No. 362): Angara's fueling infrastructure

New page (No. 361): Angara's hydrogen infrastructure

New page (No. 360): Future station waits for new-generation of robots

New page (No. 359): Descent Module of the Soyuz-MS spacecraft

New page (No. 358): Angara's fire station

New page (No. 357): Russian anti-satellite systems

Update: Air leak doubles aboard Russian ISS Segment

New page (No. 356): Russia re-calibrates its rocket ambitions

New page (No. 355): USSR makes first attempt to build hydrogen booster

New page (No. 354): Lunar Gateway: progress and setbacks

New page (No. 353): I-Hab module in 2023

New page (No. 352): Airlock module in 2020

New page (No. 351): Airlock module in 2023

New page (No. 350): Roskosmos mulls long-term space station transport development

New page (No. 349): Russia faces obstacles in leaving ISS

New page (No. 348): Post-ISS Russian station relies on hyper-optimistic schedule

New page (No. 347): Ground processing of the NEM module

New page (No. 346): Angara's high-pressure farm

New page (No. 345): ISS Reshetnev works on new-generation Gonets system

New page (No. 344): Composite materials challenge new-generation crew ship project

Update: PTK crew ship enters static testing

New page (No. 343): First launch of the Angara-5 rocket from Vostochny

New page (No. 342): NEM prepares for space station role

Update: Angara-NZh completes pad tests

New page (No. 341): Angara's firing room

New page (No. 340): Russia plans orbital "Internet of Things"

Update: Nauka's science airlock open for business

New page (No. 339): Progress to be modified for post-ISS station role

New page (No. 338): Commercial module for the Russian Orbital Station, ROS

New page (No. 337): Angara service tower in Vostochny

New page (No. 336): A private new comer wants to build Russian Starlink

New page (No. 335): Production issues challenge the next-generation spacecraft project

New page (No. 334): The LKM lunar lander for the L3M expeditionary complex

Update: Russian industry completes ROS preliminary design

New page (No. 333): Russia promises its first Internet satellite

New page (No. 332): Ground simulators for Russian ISS Segment to undergo upgrades

Update: Coolant leak reported in Nauka's radiator

New page (No. 331): Angara launch complex: Facility 1

New page (No. 330): Russia plans Starlink equivalent

New page (No. 329): Prototypes of the Luna-Glob hardware

Update: Concept of a lunar reactor revealed

Update: Cosmonauts complete VKD-60 spacewalk

Update: Luna-Glob reaches launch pad

New page (No. 328): The D2 space tug for the L3M expeditionary complex revealed

New page (No. 327): Luna-Glob to witness solar wind hitting lunar surface

Update: Luna-Glob fueled for launch

Update: Kazakhstan to postpone Baiterek project

New page (No. 326): Reusable rocket advances through Technical Design

Update: Russia calls for BRICS space station module

New page (No. 325): Propulsion system of the Luna-Glob spacecraft

New page (No. 324): Luna-Glob to zap lunar soil with laser

Update: Luna-Glob travels to the launch site

New page (No. 323): Luna-Glob to probe lunar soil with neutron detector

New page (No. 322): Angara pad in Vostochny nears completion

New page (No. 321): Thermal control system of the Luna-Glob lander

Update: Cosmonauts complete maintenance spacewalk

New page (No. 320): Luna-Glob to operate a mechanical arm

Update: Angara-NZh to wait for integrated tests

New page (No. 319): Luna-Glob to feature multiple "eyes"

New page (No. 318): New engine paves the way to reusable launcher

New page (No. 317): Flight control system of the Luna-Glob spacecraft

Update: Angara-NZh reaches Vostochny

New page (No. 316): 2018: Luna-Glob gets landing site but suffers new setbacks

New page (No. 315): Luna-Glob to probe its landing site in infrared

New page (No. 314): Luna-Glob seeks pioneering science

New page (No. 313): Metal-cutting begins for the I-Hab module

New page (No. 312): Russian ISS science faces multiple challenges

Update: Cosmonauts deploy radiator aboard Nauka

Update: Cosmonauts complete VKD-57 spacewalk

New page (No. 311): New docking port to accommodate science airlock on Nauka

Update: ERA performs its first big job, readies for another

New page (No. 310): Stalled crew vehicle threatens future of Russian space flight

New page (No. 309): Proton faces long hiatus

Update: Cosmonauts complete VKD-56 spacewalk

New page (No. 308): Contingencies during the operation of the European Robotic Arm, ERA

Update: The third attempt to perform VKD-56 spacewalk

New page (No. 307): Angara awaits its payloads

New page (No. 306): Design of the Luna-Glob spacecraft

New page (No. 305): The Soyuz-5 rocket might need a new launch pad

Update: Nauka spacewalks set to resume

New page (No. 304): Luna-Glob project is in a tight race to launch

Update: Soviet Mars sample return: New details on the trip home

New page (No. 303): Ventilation aboard Soyuz

New page (No. 302): Russian transport ships anomalies decline

New page (No. 301): Roskosmos aims at the 2027 launch of the new station

New page (No. 300): Rescuing Elektro

New page (No. 299): ISS moves to commercial space

New page (No. 298): New push to outfit Nauka

New page (No. 297): Expansion modules for the Russian Orbital Station planned

New page (No. 296): Integrated Propulsion System of the Soyuz spacecraft

New page (No. 295): Thermal control system for the Soyuz replacement

New page (No. 294): Thermal control system of the Soyuz TMA-M spacecraft

New page (No. 293): Airlock planned for future Russian station

New page (No. 292): Gateway's HALO module to begin outfitting

Update: Nauka outfitting is on hold after Soyuz leak

New page (No. 291): Thermal control system of the Soyuz-MS spacecraft

Update: European Robotic Arm inspects leak on Soyuz

New page (No. 290): Users’ guide to the European Robotic Arm

Update: Cosmonauts are trying repairs of their spacesuits on ISS

Update: Spacesuit problem derails Nauka outfitting

New page (No. 289): VKD-55 spacewalk prepares Nauka outfitting

New page (No. 288): Nauka to get a new radiator

New page (No. 287): Orel-based station transport mulled

New page (No. 286): First piece of the lunar Gateway takes shape

New page (No. 285): The Soyuz MS-11 return incident remains a mystery

Update: Plans hammered out for Nauka outfitting

New page (No. 284): Angara-1.2 flies its second mission

Update: Persei's problems resolved

New page (No. 283): Gateway's refueling module continues to evolve

New page (No. 282): Processing facility for the Angara rockets in Vostochny

New page (No. 281): Orel's Propulsion Module experiences major changes

Update: ERA testing approaches completion

New page (No. 280): Russia needs to upgrade ground facilities for ISS support

New page (No. 279): Angara-NZh prepares for major crew vehicle test

New page (No. 278): Set of accessories complements the European Robotic Arm

Update: European Robotic Arm carries its first cargo

New page (No. 277): VKD-ESA

Update: Cosmonauts' spacewalk aborted by battery problem

New page (No. 276): Key station module falls severely behind schedule

New page (No. 275): Roskosmos eyes lower price tag for the new crew vehicle

New page (No. 274): Spacewalk clears European Robotic Arm for final testing

New page (No. 273): New docking tests to extend ISS operation

Update: VKD-54 spacewalk completed

Update: Crew vehicle test program sees major changes

Update: Russia formulates new requirements for future crew transport

Update: Roskosmos threatens to end ERA operations

New page (No. 272): Zvezda might get new elements of thermal control

New page (No. 271): Lunar Gateway faces uncertainty again

New page (No. 270): Design of the Soyuz-MS spacecraft

Update: Another Angara-1.2 is planned in 2022

Update: Specialists resolve problem with the European Robotic Arm

New page (No. 269): Angara-5 to carry its first satellite

Update: The European Robotic Arm arrives at its parking position

New page (No. 268): Russian power-supply system on ISS holds well against time

Update: Luna-Glob slips well into 2023

Update: Russian specialists dismiss threats to re-activate eRosita

New page (No. 267): Thermal Protection System of the PTK spacecraft

New page (No. 266): Russia plans big overhaul of controls aboard key station module

Update: Russia considers "kidnapping" a deep-space telescope

Update: Soyuz-5 provides new possibilities for the prospective crew vehicle

New page (No. 265): Introducing Science and Power Module, NEM

Update: Specialists plan next steps in activating the European Robotic Arm

Update: Contradicting reports on the Luna-Glob status

New page (No. 264): Radio systems aboard Zvezda cause concerns for ISS

Update: Robotic arm problem delays spacewalk

New page (No. 263): Cosmonauts use new tools to activate the European Robotic Arm

Update: The European Robotic Arm hits a snag during activation

New page (No. 262): In solitary confinement: Russian space program in the 2020s

New page (No. 261): Angara-1.2 Aggregate Module

New page (No. 260): Angara-1.2's second stage

Update: Spacewalk animates European Robotic Arm

New page (No. 259): Angara-1.2 – 25 years to launch pad

New page (No. 258): Roskosmos tries to fit new-generation crew vehicle on Soyuz rockets

Update: Cosmonauts complete spacewalk to activate Nauka's robotic arm

New page (No. 257): Roskosmos struggles to re-purpose Soyuz replacement for a new role

New page (No. 256): Russian space station project in 2022

New page (No. 255): Life-support system of the Zvezda Service Module

New page (No. 254): VKD-59 spacewalk

New page (No. 253): Angara inches toward operational use

New page (No. 252): Proton loses payloads in Ukraine war

New page (No. 251): Activating Nauka's airlock

New page (No. 250): Russian engineers consider new rendezvous system for ISS

Update: NASA considers abandoning Soyuz for astronaut return

New page (No. 249): Aging computers control Russian ISS Segment

New page (No. 248): Russian propulsion is key to ISS

New page (No. 247): ISS comes to the brink

New page (No. 246): ExoMars falls victim of Putin's war

New page (No. 245): German telescope aboard Spektr-RG observatory put in safe mode

New page (No. 244): Luna-Glob will not fly as promised

Update: ERA operations in question after Russian invasion of Ukraine

Update: I-Hab model for the cis-lunar Gateway revealed

New page (No. 243): The cancellation of the 5M project

New page (No. 242): How cosmonauts will deploy radiator aboard Nauka

Update: Polyakov forced out of Firefly

New page (No. 241): Last-ditch attempt to redesign super-heavy launcher

New page (No. 240): Nauka to get science airlock

New page (No. 239): The Soyuz-5 rocket project enters experimental phase

New page (No. 238): Work continues to formulate Russian post-ISS strategy

New page (No. 237): First job awaits the European Robotic Arm

Update: Problems on the Russian ISS Segment delay Nauka's outfitting

Update: Ukraine prepares first test of a new-generation space engine

Update: Cosmonauts complete VKD-51 spacewalk

New page (No. 236): Soviet Mars sample return: Trip home

New page (No. 235): Lights, camera, action plan for the European Robotic Arm

Update: Efforts continue to activate new robotic arm aboard the ISS

New page (No. 234): Persei upper stage complements Angara-5 rocket

Update: Stranded Persei falls back to Earth

New page (No. 233): Russian spacewalk to animate European Robotic Arm

New page (No. 232): Angara's upper stage fails to complete test mission

New page (No. 231): Now or never for ExoMars

New page (No. 230): Proton's last hooray

Update: ISS crew works to overcome European Robotic Arm problems

New page (No. 229): VKD-52 spacewalk to prepare controls for Nauka's robotic arm

Update: Russia's next-generation crew missions postponed by two years

New page (No. 228): New-generation module runs on multiple tracks

New page (No. 227): Progress M-UM space tug

New page (No. 226): Prichal's redocking system

New page (No. 225): Prichal's spherical room

New page (No. 224): Prichal's gas terminal

New page (No. 223): Prichal's ingenious design

New page (No. 222): From warehouse to launch pad

New page (No. 221): Prichal - the ultimate tinkertoy

New page (No. 220): Ukraine's Elon Musk mulls new rocket

New page (No. 219): Nukes from orbit: R-36 FOBS

New page (No. 218): I-Hab module prepares to leave the drawing board

New page (No. 217): Russia builds major facility for classified satellites

New page (No. 216): The Orel spacecraft faces uncertainty again

Update: Russian station reaches preliminary design

New page (No. 215): Luna-Glob flight scenario

New page (No. 214): Planning for the VKD-51 spacewalk

Update: Connection breach cuts off the European Robotic Arm

New page (No. 213): Integrating Prichal Node Module, UM, with ISS

New page (No. 212): Activation of the European Robotic Arm

Update: Luna-Glob hard-pressed to launch in May

Update: Russia finalizes ISS operations for 2022 early 2023

Update: Russian lunar program faces major redesign

New page (No. 211): Cosmonauts complete VKD-50 spacewalk

New page (No. 210): Heart of ISS struggles with aging

Update: NASA helps with Russian leak search on ISS

Update: Nauka to see its first spacewalkers

Update: NASA mulls ISS extension beyond 2030, Russians are skeptical

Update: Can Russia return to the Gateway project?

Update: Roskosmos, NASA close to crew exchange deal

New page (No. 209): Before Nauka there was USM

New page (No. 208): Search for air leak on ISS continues

New page (No. 207): Russia plans talks on ISS deorbiting

New page (No. 206): Zarya module: Glass half full

Update: Roskosmos faces ailing Russian ISS Segment

Update: ISS crew enters Nauka

Update: Nauka docks at ISS, misbehaves shortly thereafter!

New page (No. 205): Nauka to get ever closer to the ISS

New page (No. 204): MLM flight control system

Update: Specialists troubleshoot engine issue aboard Nauka

Update: Nauka reaches launch pad

New page (No. 203): Nauka's Ukrainian connection

Update: Nauka to reach the launch pad

New page (No. 202): How Nauka will be launched

Updates: Nauka's launch reset for July 21

Update: There is no final decision on abandoning the ISS

Update: Nauka's launch postponed by a bizarre problem

New page (No. 201): Nauka carries docking port - transformer

New page (No. 200): Nauka introduces sophisticated science airlock

Update: How Nauka and Proton come together

New page (No. 199): Nauka to serve as cargo ship too

New page (No. 198): New era is finally near for the European Robotic Arm

Update: Russia to begin preliminary design of a post-ISS space station

New page (No. 197): First piece of international near-lunar station continues to evolve

Update: Cosmonauts complete the VKD-48 spacewalk

New page (No. 196): Nauka to deliver new life-support capabilities to the Russian ISS Segment

Update: Cosmonauts prepare for the VKD-48 spacewalk

New page (No. 195): Super-heavy rocket stalled by propellant dilemma

New page (No. 194): Scientists push back against lunar program strategy

New page (No. 193): Roskosmos details methane super rocket

New page (No. 192): Nauka races toward finish

New page (No. 191): Russian lunar sample return mission at the crossroad

New page (No. 190): Russia considers super-Saturn

New page (No. 189): New Lunokhod is in the works

New page (No. 188): How sample return prepares human expeditions to the Moon

New page (No. 187): Converting Science & Power Module for new Russian station

New page (No. 186): Roskosmos details serious challenges to its lunar plans

Update: Space station plan comes under scrutiny

New page (No. 185): How the new Russian station can be put together

New page (No. 184): New Prichal module mulled

New page (No. 183): Nauka's power supply system gets second life

New page (No. 182): Russia might drop ISS separation plan

Update: Russian industry outlines future space flight strategies

New page (No. 181): The RFA rocket hints reusable capability

Update: ISS crew continues battling air leak

Update: Ukraine talks rocket engine contract with German startup

New page (No. 180): Lunar version of Briz-M mulled

New page (No. 179): Gateway's HALO module leaves the drawing board

Update: A multi-booster Amur family under consideration

New page (No. 178): Luna-Glob faces uphill battle

Update: ISS crack repairs begin

Update: Reusable payload shrouds mulled for Amur-SPG

Update: Russian industry initiates the new space program design

New page (No. 177): New space tug to boost the Orlyonok crew ship

New page (No. 176): Nauka's thermal control system readies for flight

Update: Ukrainian engineers prepare big engine test

New page (No. 175): SpaceX, NASA detail a cargo ship for Gateway

New page (No. 174): Russia ponders early ISS exit

New page (No. 173): ISS set for the Russian expansion

New page (No. 172): New details emerge on Gateway's construction and work

New page (No. 171): Soyuz to get upgrades to fly beyond 2024

New page (No. 170): How the Soviet Mars sample return mission would work on the surface

New page (No. 169): The Orion might get late design change

New page (No. 168): Roskosmos advances returnable rocket

New page (No. 167): Into the unknown: Russia mulls ISS operations until 2030

Update: ISS crew locates new air leak on Russian Segment

New page (No. 166): Russian engineers detail Orlyonok's design

New page (No. 165): Angara-5V aims at the center stage in the Russian space

New page (No. 164): Russia's super-heavy rocket hits another snag

New page (No. 163): Luna-Glob races against expectations

Update: Russia re-tailors its lunar plans for smaller rockets

New page (No. 162): Russia considers lighter next-generation crew vehicle

New page (No. 161): What's next for Angara?

Update: Gateway station enters a new design phase

New page (No. 160): Unusual roles proposed for the Russian space station

New page (No. 159): Orel's Aggregate Compartment redesigned in 2020

Update: Nauka delay triggers ISS schedule reshuffle

Update: Nauka to be postponed until mid-July

New page (No. 158): Nauka's propulsion system

Update: Struggle with air leak continues on ISS

Update: Soyuz replacement, lunar missions re-examined

New page (No. 157): The Soyuz-5 rocket leaves the drawing board

New page (No. 156): Production of the Soyuz-5 rocket

Update: Cosmonauts prepare for a year of spacewalks

New page (No. 155): VKD-49/50 spacewalk

New page (No. 154): Nauka to feature three docking ports

New page (No. 153): Cis-lunar station gets panoramic windows

New page (No. 152): Yenisei's deep-space tug detailed

New page (No. 151): An air leak on Russian ISS Segment

New page (No. 150): Russia considers a robotic mini-shuttle

New page (No. 149): Russia begins work on a nuclear lunar power station

Update: NASA plans long and short commercial missions

New page (No. 148): Orel's command module experiences major re-shaping

New page (No. 147): Service systems aboard MLM Nauka

New page (No. 146): Partners consider major rearrangement in Gateway modules

New page (No. 145): Russia mulls new station design to compete in commercial race

New page (No. 144): Russia boosts the capability of its super-heavy rocket

New page (No. 143): Russia debates space exploration priorities

Update: Roskosmos opens sea route to Vostochny

New page (No. 142): Orel changes its shape ahead of construction

Update: Roskosmos assumes NASA crew capability throughout 2021

Update: Russia all but withdraws from NASA-led Gateway

New page (No. 141): Science aboard Nauka module

New page (No. 140): Structural design of the MLM Nauka

New page (No. 139): Organizational structure of the MLM Nauka project

New page (No. 138): Baikonur prepares for Nauka

New page (No. 137): Post-docking operations with Nauka

New page (No. 136): Spacewalk to prepare Pirs' departure from ISS

New page (No. 135): Can Russia and China take over the Moon?

Update: Nauka's departure to Baikonur slips to middle of August

New page (No. 134): Gateway considered for a "safe haven" role in lunar orbit

New page (No. 133): RD-809K: A Ukrainian engine advances Saudi space ambitions

Update: Nauka packs for the trip to Baikonur

New page (No. 132): Can Russia build a returnable rocket?

New page (No. 131): Two variants of escape rockets proposed for the Orel spacecraft

Update: Nauka to undergo second phase of vacuum tests

New page (No. 130): Roskosmos continues work on NEM module

New page (No. 129): Soyuz prepares for new tourists

New page (No. 128): Nauka's fate hangs on a few valves

Update, 2020 June 12: Nauka's launch planning zeroes-in on the end of April 2021

New page (No. 127): Orion lacks life support for the Artemis lunar landing

New page (No. 126): Roskosmos studies new station module

Update, 2020 June 2: Rogozin lauds the ROS project

Update, 2020 May 29: The Orel spacecraft gets multiple design changes

Update, 2020 May 27-28: Nauka's launch pushed back to May 2021, shipment to Baikonur to July 20

Update, 2020 May 27: NASA to end Roskosmos' ISS crew transport monopoly

New page (No. 125): Roskosmos begins mass production of the RD-191 engine

New page (No. 124): Early Gateway modules merge

Update, 2020 May 18: Nauka's launch pushed back to May 2021

New page (No. 123): Angara pad progresses in Vostochny

New page (No. 122): Ground tests to continue after first launch of Soyuz replacement

New page (No. 121): Reconfiguring Russian Segment of ISS after Nauka's launch

New page (No. 120): How 5M was expected to land on Mars

New page (No. 119): How risky is the Gateway?

New page (No. 118): Russian industry puts forward new concepts of the Soyuz-6 rocket

New page (No. 117): Upgrading Soyuz MS to indigenous electronics

New page (No. 116): Super-heavy launch complex changes drastically in early design

New page (No. 115): The Orel spacecraft to get drastic changes in its landing system

Update, 2020 April 3: Gateway's first habitat takes shape

New page (No. 114): Preparing MLM Nauka at launch site

Update, March 24: Additional ground tests planned for Orel spacecraft

Update, March 23: Nauka developer struggles to maintain schedule

New page (No. 113): Lunar Gateway fades away

Update: ExoMars postponed from 2020 to 2022

New page (No. 112): Proton hit with a new production problem

New page (No. 111): History of the European Robotic Arm, ERA

Update: Major new goals to be added to the first Orel mission

New page (No. 110): A Cold War jewel gets a second look

New page (No. 109): Building the Soyuz replacement

New page (No. 108): Roskosmos plans space "dreadnought"

New page (No. 107): Second test mission of the PTK Orel spacecraft

New page (No. 106): Roskosmos mulls Plan B for its cosmonauts

New page (No. 105): Missing pieces of the lunar puzzle

New page (No. 104): Russian lunar service module still on the agenda

New page (No. 103): Refining super-rocket's architecture

New page (No. 102): Crunch time for ExoMars in 2020

Update, 2020 Jan. 8: ESA to repeat critical ExoMars parachute tests

New page (No. 101): Nauka still has a chance for launch in 2020

New page (No. 100): How the super-heavy rocket project is organized

Update, December: Russia to seek bigger role in the cis-lunar Gateway

New page (No. 99): NASA drafts new lunar Gateway assembly scenarios in 2019

Update, December 13: Angara production details

New page (No. 98): Preparing Russian Segment of ISS for Nauka's liftoff

Update, December 2: NASA drafts memorandum of understanding for partners on Gateway

Update, December 2: Launch of Gateway airlock postponed until 2028, moved to a Russian rocket

New page (No. 97): Intensive ground testing program to pave the way to Soyuz replacement

New page (No. 96): NASA refines cis-lunar habitat's design

New page (No. 95): ISS to enter the 2020s

New page (No. 94): Roskosmos drags its feet on Gateway contribution

New page (No. 93): Roskosmos promises a 140-ton super-launcher

New page (No. 92): Europe's Gateway component becomes a stand-alone module

New page (No. 91): Russia plans new version of the famed RD-180 engine

Update: Two logistics module designs considered for Gateway

New page (No. 90): Tackling Angara's growing pains

New page (No. 89): New test launch proposed for next-generation spacecraft

Update: MLM module is penciled for launch on November 30, 2020

New page (No. 88): International cis-lunar habitat changes shape

Update: Spektr-RG reaches its destination

New page (No. 87): The Transfer Element for the piloted lunar lander

New page (No. 86): eROSITA team investigates a potential hack... by space rays

Update: Proton's flight manifest

New page (No. 85): The Descent Element for the piloted lunar lander

Update: Proton's enters long road to retirement

New page (No. 84): The Ascent Element for the piloted lunar lander detailed

New page (No. 83): Vostochny to get a large vacuum chamber

Update: First cis-lunar Gateway element detailed

Update: Putin approves the new rocket strategy

Update: Russia's new-generation spacecraft changes rocket again, gets new name

New page (No. 82): HALO: NASA's latest candidate for the first cis-lunar habitat

Update: Russia is back at the negotiating table on the lunar Gateway

Update: Proton might remain with a single pad after 2020

New page (No. 81): Robot Fedor: Future of space exploration or a high-tech boondoggle?

New page (No. 80): Putin to review Russian space program

Update: ExoMars suffers failure in second high-altitude parachute test

Updates (August 7, 11): Spektr-RG conducts orbit corrections; ART-XC telescope captures its first (scientifically meaningful) light

New page (No. 79): First look at the RBKA satellite

New page (No. 78): Russia prepares new push into satellite remote sensing

New page (No. 77): Vostochny's industrial zone gears up for the Angara project

New page (No. 76): Planning begins for Luna-29 mission

New page (No. 75): Spektr-RG sails to its deep-space destination

New page (No. 74): Russia plans to reshape, extend its lunar robotic strategy

New page (No. 73): What parachute problems mean for ExoMars?

New page (No. 72): Russian lunar base mockup at PAS-2019 explained

New page (No. 71): How Spektr-RG came back to life

Update: Roskosmos displays lunar base mockup at Le Bourget

New page (No. 70): The original Spektr-RG satellite

Update: Spektr-RG reaches launch pad

New page (No. 69): RD-8: A veteran engine begins new life

Update: Spektr-RG meets its rocket

Update: Roskosmos to tackle a multitude of tasks in Nauka module repairs

Update: Roskosmos head chairs meeting on the Soyuz-5 project

Update: All options are back on the table for the troubled Nauka module

New page (No. 68): Luna-Grunt to test cosmonauts' lunar landing platform

New page (No. 67): Drakar lunar tug poses old questions

Update: RD-171MV engine (Roskosmos promises first test this year)

New page (No. 66): Roskosmos pushes forward with the Soyuz-5 rocket project

New page (No. 65): Khrunichev promises surge of Proton launches in 2019 as production to wind down

New page (No. 64): ExoMars rover to leave for the Red Planet from an unusual orbit

Update: PTK in 2019: Russia begins cutting metal for Soyuz replacement

New page (No. 63): Russian lunar lander experience, Part 1

Update: Spektr-RG to undergo flight readiness review

Update: Roskosmos is finalizing plan for Nauka's repairs

New page (No. 62): ExoMars project struggles to stay on track for the 2020 launch

Update: Development of the RD-815 demonstrator

Update: Adapting the Gateway for the accelerated lunar landing

Update: Final preparations to begin for Spektr-RG

New page (No. 61): MLM Nauka faces ultimate deadline

New page (No. 60): First test mission of the PTK Federatsiya spacecraft

Update: New Gateway refueling architecture gets traction

New page (No. 59): First piece of international near-lunar station to enter development

New page (No. 58): New era dawns for ISS (ISS in 2019)

Update: Russian Moon plans hit another stumble

New page (No. 57): Lunar Gateway reaches first major design milestone, but Russia is no show

Update: Roskosmos chooses between June and July launch for Spektr-RG

Update: Roskosmos to continue Spektr-R recovery attempts

New page (No. 56): Roskosmos considers contributing cargo ship for cis-lunar station

Update: Roskosmos charts roadmap to super-heavy rocket

New page (No. 55): The Don super rocket - the ultimate goal of the Russian space program

New page (No. 54): Spektr-RG enters final stretch

New page (No. 53): Roskosmos picks final architecture for super rocket

New page (No. 52): First look at the Soyuz-7/Volga rocket concept

Update: Sevastyanov back at the helm of RKK Energia

New page (No. 51): Roskosmos looks at aerobarking lunar transport

New page (No. 50): Federatsiya faces new delays

New page (No. 49): Russia's Spektr-R orbital telescope stops observations

New page (No. 48): Russian space leaders to discuss cooperation with US on the Moon

New page (No. 47): Canada to contribute a new-generation robotic arm for the cis-lunar station

Update: Dilemmas still facing the Russian super-rocket program

Update: First details on descent vehicles for human lunar expeditions emerge

New page (No. 46): Ukraine helps South Korea to develop indigenous space rocket

Update: New funding program planned for lunar exploration

New page (No. 45): NASA solicits international proposals on lunar exploration

Update: Moment of truth for the Russian super rocket

New page (No. 44): Super-heavy rocket: Variant 3

New page (No. 43): Cis-lunar team works on improved rendezvous systems

New page (No. 42): Russia's latest super-rocket architecture detailed

Update: Roskosmos favors new architecture for super rocket

Update: Soyuz-5 to be renamed Irtysh

Update: Russian design to be adopted for airlock architecture

New page (No. 41): Spacewalk to investigate Soyuz hole stirs major controversy

New page (No. 40): NASA begins work on a lunar lander

New page (No. 39): NASA drafts new cis-lunar station assembly scenarios

New page (No. 38): Scheduling cis-lunar station work

New page (No. 37): How far can the cis-lunar station go?

Update: NASA outlines lunar gateway development milestones

Update: NASA gets virtual model of Russia's cis-lunar lab

Update: NASA sponsors five cis-lunar module prototypes

New page (No. 36): Russia quietly drafts lunar orbital station of its own!

New page (No. 35): How much will the cis-lunar station cost?

Update: Cis-lunar station partners meet for crucial project review

New page (No. 34): How the cis-lunar station will be assembled

New page (No. 33): Europe ponders architecture of its first cis-lunar module

New page (No. 32): Russia re-designs PTK Federatsiya spacecraft for multiple docking ports

New page (No. 31): NASA, partners debate refueling in cis-lunar space

Update: Kremlin to bail out its troubled rocket industry

New page (No. 30): Super-heavy rocket: Variant 2

New page (No. 29): Launch facility for the super-heavy rocket in Vostochny

New page (No. 28): Design and schedule for the first piece of the cis-lunar station detailed

New page (No. 27): Russian rocketry at cross-roads

New page (No. 26): Super-heavy rocket: Variant 1

New page (No. 25): Japan mulls Falcon Heavy-launched cargo ship for cis-lunar station

Update: Russia studies different ways to contribute to cis-lunar station

Update: Federatsiya begins parachute tests, faces new delays

New page (No. 24): Development of the super-heavy rocket begins

New page (No. 23): US, Russia cooperate on a near-lunar spacesuit

Update: NASA works on interior of near-lunar habitat

Update: Gateway partners meet in Houston

New page (No. 22): OneWeb: Proton's last hope?

New page (No. 21): NASA studies extra habitat for the near-lunar station

New page (No. 20): NASA drafts Logistics Augmentation Module for the near-lunar station

New page (No. 19): New landing propulsion system for PTK Federatsiya spacecraft

New page (No. 18): New BAS escape rocket for the Federatsiya spacecraft

Update: Rogozin's stance: Will US-Russian cooperation continue?

New page (No. 17): Federatsiya to set sail without its key features

Update: Roskosmos conducts negotiations with China

New page (No. 16): Emergency Escape System, SAS, for the Federatsiya spacecraft

New page (No. 15): Landing Solid-propellant Propulsion System, PTDU, for the Federatsiya spacecraft

Update: NASA to consider inflatable structures for LOP-G

Update: Utilization Element evolves quickly

New page (No. 14): NASA and its partners study cargo deliveries to lunar orbit

New page (No. 13): Russia considers cooperation with China in human space flight

Update: Development of the near-lunar station in 2018

New page (No. 12): RD-815: inside story and latest developments

New page (No. 11): Utilization Element for Lunar Orbital Platform, LOP-G

New page (No. 10): Development of the Airlock Module for near-lunar station in 2018

New page (No. 9): Development of the near-lunar station in 2018

New page (No. 8): Soyuz-5 rocket development in 2018

New page (No. 7): NEM-2 tourist module

New page (No. 6): Second stage of the Soyuz-5 rocket

New page (No. 5): Science airlock for Deep Space Gateway

New page (No. 4): First stage of the Soyuz-5 rocket

New page (No. 3): Aggregate Compartment of the PTK NP spacecraft

New page (No. 2): Transportation of the Soyuz-5 launch vehicle

New page (No. 1): RD-171MV engine


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